Artists’ Studio

Via Pian Due Torri, 57

23-24-25/05/ 2013

For three consecutive days the Second Draftsmen’s Congress will take place in the studio of the artists Matteo Nasini and Nicola Pecoraro in the Magliana neighborhood. Everyone is invited to draw together in a place of artistic production usually not open to the public, on the outskirts of Rome in a working-class area close to the Tiber.

Video from “Studio d’artista” workshop, Second Draftsmen’s Congress – May 23, 24 and 25th, 2013, Studio Nasini and Pecoraro

Photo from “Studio d’artista” workshop, Second Draftsmen’s Congress – May 23, 24 and 25th, 2013, Studio Nasini and Pecoraro